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How to Ship Food: A Comprehensive Guide to Mailing Perishable and Frozen Foods

How to Ship Food: A Comprehensive Guide to Mailing Perishable and Frozen Foods

Posted By
Hafez Ramlan
September 13, 2024
Title asset to the "Summer Shipping" blog post from Atomix Logistics. A small green 3D truck with a small sun floating above it portrays the hot summer sun during order transport. KW: Ecommerce, 3PL, order fulfillment, fulfillment center, summer order fulfillment, new orders, new customer, temperature, protection, packaging, eco-friendly, sustainability

Shipping food, whether perishable, frozen, or shelf-stable, can be a tricky task, especially when you want to ensure that it arrives fresh, safe, and intact. Whether you’re a small business owner, a generous friend, or just someone who needs to send a care package, learning how to ship food properly is essential. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about how to ship food, including tips on mailing perishable goods, the best ways to send frozen food, and the cheapest shipping methods.

Can You Mail Food?

One of the most common questions people ask is, "Can you send food in the mail?" The answer is yes, you can ship food through the mail, but there are some important guidelines you need to follow to ensure that your package arrives safely. Food items that are non-perishable, like canned goods, spices, or dried fruit, are easy to send. However, perishable food, such as meat, dairy, or prepared meals, require special care.

When mailing perishable food, it’s crucial to package it properly to prevent spoilage or contamination during transit. Keep in mind that some postal services may have specific rules or restrictions on shipping certain types of food, especially when shipping internationally.

How to Ship Food in the Mail: General Tips

If you’re wondering "how to mail food", the following steps will help you get started:

1. Choose the Right Packaging

The packaging is vital when shipping any type of food. For non-perishable items, a sturdy box with adequate cushioning will usually do the job. However, if you are sending perishable or frozen food, you need to select an insulated shipping container. Styrofoam boxes are commonly used for perishable food shipments as they help maintain the temperature inside the package.

2. Consider Shipping Time

Timing is everything when it comes to shipping food. It’s best to opt for expedited shipping, especially when dealing with perishable items. Choose a service that guarantees delivery within 1-2 days to minimize the risk of spoilage. Can you send food in the mail using regular ground shipping? For non-perishable items, ground shipping is fine, but for cold or frozen food, expedited options are essential.

3. Include Ice Packs or Dry Ice

For cold or frozen foods, maintaining the right temperature is key. If you're wondering "how to ship cold food" or "how to ship frozen food," you'll need to include gel ice packs or dry ice in your package. Ice packs are good for keeping food cold for a limited amount of time, while dry ice is more effective for long-distance shipping, keeping items frozen for an extended period.

Make sure you check postal regulations for shipping dry ice, as it is considered a hazardous material and must be packaged accordingly.

4. Use Airtight Wrapping

To prevent any leaks or contamination, ensure that all food items are tightly wrapped and sealed. Use vacuum-sealed bags or plastic wrap to keep the food fresh. This is especially important when shipping perishable items like meat, seafood, or dairy products.

5. Label Your Package Properly

When shipping perishable food, it’s a good idea to clearly label the package with instructions such as "Perishable," "Keep Refrigerated," or "Fragile." Some carriers even offer specific services for shipping perishable goods, so inquire about these options when you send your package.

How to Ship Cold Food: Best Practices

Shipping cold or frozen food requires more effort than simply tossing an item in a box. If you're wondering "how do I ship cold food", here’s what you need to know.

1. Select Insulated Shipping Containers

To keep food cold, insulated shipping containers are your best friend. These containers, often made from Styrofoam or polyurethane, help maintain a consistent temperature, keeping your food cold or frozen throughout the shipping process.

2. Use Dry Ice for Frozen Foods

Dry ice is the most effective option when it comes to keeping frozen foods cold for an extended period. If you’re asking yourself "how to mail frozen food" or "how to send frozen food in the mail", dry ice should be a top consideration. Be mindful, though, that dry ice requires special handling and packaging.

3. Use Gel Packs for Shorter Shipping Times

If your shipping window is shorter, consider using gel ice packs. These are great for keeping food cold without freezing it. It’s particularly helpful for items like cheeses, chocolates, or baked goods that need to stay cool but not frozen.

4. Time Your Shipment

If you’re shipping perishable or frozen food, try to avoid shipping on Fridays or the day before a holiday. How to ship cold food efficiently means timing it so that the package doesn’t sit in a warehouse over the weekend, which could cause your food to spoil.

5. Check Shipping Regulations

Certain foods and materials (like dry ice) are subject to regulations. Make sure to check with your postal carrier or shipping service about any restrictions before sending your package.

The Cheapest Way to Ship Perishable Food

Shipping perishable food can be costly, especially when you factor in expedited delivery, insulated packaging, and ice packs. However, there are a few tips you can follow to keep costs down.

  1. Compare Carriers: Different carriers have different rates for shipping perishable items. It’s a good idea to compare the rates of USPS, UPS, and FedEx to find the most affordable option. USPS Priority Mail can often be the most cost-effective for 1-2 day delivery.
  2. Use Flat Rate Shipping: If you’re sending non-perishable food items, USPS flat-rate boxes are a great option, as the cost doesn’t change regardless of the package weight or destination. This can help cut costs if you’re shipping heavy items like canned goods.
  3. Minimize Packaging Weight: The lighter your package, the cheaper the shipping cost. Use lightweight materials like Styrofoam and pack tightly to avoid unnecessary bulk.
  4. Prepay Shipping Online: Many carriers offer discounts if you purchase shipping labels online instead of in-store. Always check if you can save a few dollars by prepaying and printing your label at home.

International Shipping: Can You Send Food in the Mail to Other Countries?

Shipping food internationally can be more complicated, as different countries have strict regulations on what can and cannot be imported. For example, many countries do not allow you to send meat, dairy, or fresh produce. It’s important to check the specific guidelines for the country you are shipping to and be aware of any quarantine requirements.

When mailing food internationally, it’s also vital to factor in longer shipping times, which may make it impractical for perishable or frozen items. For non-perishable goods, using an air mail service is generally the best option to ensure that the food arrives in good condition.

Can You Mail Frozen Food?

Yes, you can mail frozen food, but as discussed, it requires careful packaging and fast shipping. If you’re wondering "how to send frozen food" or "how to send frozen food in the mail", the key is to package it in an insulated container with dry ice or ice packs and to use overnight or 1-2 day shipping. This way, your frozen goods stay cold until they reach their destination.

Shipping Cold Food vs. Frozen Food: What’s the Difference?

It’s important to understand the difference between shipping cold food and frozen food. Cold food is typically kept at a temperature just above freezing (32°F to 40°F), while frozen food needs to stay below freezing (0°F or lower). How to ship cold food may involve gel packs or refrigerated shipping services, while how to ship frozen food typically requires dry ice or specialized freezer packs.


Shipping food can be simple if you follow the right steps. Whether you’re wondering "can you mail food", "how do I ship cold food", or "how to mail frozen food", the key is proper packaging and choosing the right shipping method. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that your food arrives fresh, safe, and in perfect condition.

FAQ: How to Ship Food

Can you mail food through the postal service?

Yes, you can mail food through the postal service, including USPS, FedEx, and UPS. However, there are different guidelines depending on whether the food is perishable, non-perishable, or frozen. Non-perishable food like canned goods and dry snacks can be shipped easily, but perishable items like meats, dairy, and baked goods require insulated packaging and expedited shipping options to ensure freshness.

How do you ship cold food to keep it fresh?

To ship cold food, you need to use insulated containers, such as Styrofoam boxes, along with gel ice packs to maintain a cool temperature. It's also important to choose expedited shipping services like overnight or 1-2 day delivery to minimize the time the food spends in transit, reducing the risk of spoilage.

What’s the cheapest way to ship perishable food?

The cheapest way to ship perishable food is by using USPS Priority Mail or flat-rate boxes for shorter distances. To save on costs, use lightweight insulated packaging and minimize the weight of ice packs or dry ice. Comparing shipping rates between USPS, FedEx, and UPS can also help you find the most cost-effective option.

How to send frozen food in the mail without it thawing?

To send frozen food in the mail, pack it with dry ice or freezer packs in an insulated container. Make sure to use overnight or express shipping options to ensure the frozen food remains at a safe temperature throughout transit. Label the package clearly with "Keep Frozen" or "Perishable" to alert handlers.

Can you send perishable food internationally?

Shipping perishable food internationally is more challenging due to customs regulations and longer transit times. Many countries restrict the import of certain perishable items like meats, dairy, and fresh produce. It's essential to check the specific guidelines of the destination country and choose an air shipping option to expedite delivery and preserve freshness.

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How to Ship Food: A Comprehensive Guide to Mailing Perishable and Frozen Foods
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